Eleonora Signorini was born in Milan in 1991. She studied languages at the University of Turin until 2015, when she left to travel the world. She moved from London to Melbourne, Amsterdam and Lisbon, where she took roots and enrolled in The Portuguese Institute Of Photography (2018).
During the time of pandemic Covid-19 she began working on what became Portraits From Isolation (2020), a virtual "travel" documenting the stillness of people in lockdown in more than 150 countries around the world, investigating the concept of limit and the arbitrary nature of the subjective experience, as well as human relation/resilience towards technology and new forms of connecting. She came back to photograph some of the subjects and kept contact with most of them: her project is to travel to their countries to make a 'real portrait' of each of them.
Since the beginning of her practice she lays her eye on the human body, exploring the notions of gender, sexuality and desire into the spectrum of individual and collective identity. This work has turned into a long term investigation on self representation and relation with the photographic medium that gave birth to Once More I See You, a series of portraits throw which she explores the notion of intimacy in a ‘post technological revolution’ world. An installation from this work has been exhibited in Buenos Aires and supported by R.A.R.O (2024).
As a result of a residency in Colombia, Signorini has also worked on the essay Esta Herencia Bonita (2023) telling the story of the ancestral heritage of Bullerengue as a practice of daily revolution.
‘FUGA’ - Chela, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4-7 may 2024
‘UNDER ONE ROOF’ - Cultural Foundation La Chispa, Medellin, 18 nov - ongoing
‘FREEDOM REDEFINED’ - ROTTERDAM PHOTO FESTIVAL ’23, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 9-12 feb 2023
EXPOSIÇÃO DE FINALISTAS, Galeria111, Lisbon, Portugal, 24 nov - 23 dec 2022